Thursday, September 16, 2010

Next Level. Forever.

Here's the story of this next level shit: NINJA has known YO-LANDI VI$$ER for a very long time from when she was a little laaitie. YO-LANDI likes to do her own thing and doesn't like people telling her what to do. NINJA went to go visit his homeboy DJ HI-TEK who makes fat gang$ta rap beats on his PC Computer in his bedroom. During her ninja rap training YO-LANDI got the idea to add some rave vibes to their tjoons and make their zef rap group more even more next level. NINJA, YO-LANDI and DJ HI-TEK discovered DIE ANTWOORD when their 3rd eyes got opened at this rave they threw at NINJA'S parent's house this one time when NINJA'S parents went on holiday to Sun City.

They are about to drop their 1st album called $O$ on Interscope Records, then their 2nd album called TEN$ION, then their 3rd album, then their 4th album and then their 5th album

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